In a new fundraising initiative, BISSA have named a racing greyhound, to run at the Owlerton Stadium, Sheffield.
Aided by a fellow Bulldog supporter and owner of the young pup, the BISSA committee have named the dog ‘BISSA Lad’. After a first race second placing, the dog won his second race, and after the renaming has been done, each and every time BISSA Lad places first, BISSA will receive a donation. The renaming fee has been paid with a donation from the BISSA Committee, who are committed to exploring every avenue to secure as much funding as possible for the club.
We will provide more details as we get them including photos of ‘BISSA Lad’, details of upcoming races and race results.
‘BISSA Lad’ will race at the ‘Owlerton Stadium, details can be found at their website here.
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